
Monster eating apower rangers
Monster eating apower rangers

No really, I REALLY hope you like the Red Ranger, because Nick takes up almost all of the focus of Mystic Forceand leaves next to nothing for the rest. But seriously, that RPM“tribute” was awful. With a tragic back-story along with some wacky misunderstandings of Earth, he always brings a smile to my face.

monster eating apower rangers

His debut episode is surprisingly solid and he gets to have some real character, unlike the others. The bright spot of the season is our sixth ranger, Orion. When it’s bad? It just makes you go, “Why?!” It’s the oddest string of choices I’ve ever seen in a Power Rangers season, with arbitrary footage usage, questionable continuity nods, and a finale that should be spectacular but ends up falling flat. When Super Megaforceis good? It’s amazing. Mack genuinely wrestling with who he is and the fact much of his life has been a lie is damn compelling. “Things Not Said” is genuinely one of the best episodes Power Rangers ever produced and it’s an oasis of quality in a sea of nonsense. The only thing that keeps this seson from the very botton of the pile is one episode. All of the characters were unlikeable, the very premise of treasure hunting was hugely hampered by the lack of budget, a lackluster team-up, and the icing on the not so great cake? The theme song was one of the worst we’ve ever had. What went wrong? Well… Mostly everything. The start of the season had a few decent episodes (“ Tough Love” was a standout along with “ Love Stings“) but by the end we had descended into dreck, with the shockingly racist “ Sheriff Skyfire.” The only plotlines it truly manages to pull off are Victor’s quest for his 50th trophy and (albiet unintenionally) Calvin being a bad boyfriend. The main plots of Ninja Steelwere resolved so this season feels like it’s killing time with no real sense of purpose. In the years to come Super Ninja Steel will simply be known as “that one with the 25th anniversary episode“. At least Victor and Monty provided a little bit of a saving grace to the series. The show messes around with nonsense episodes (looking at you, ‘ The Ranger Ribbon‘) before rushing its climax and pulling new powers for the Rangers out of its ass.

monster eating apower rangers monster eating apower rangers

There’s an actual country music star on the team and within a few episodes it’s treated as no big deal. There’s an incredible backstory for the Red Ranger, Brody, where he was raised as a slave on an alien ship that is almost never addressed. Ninja Steel has a lot of interesting ideas that never go anywhere (RIP Galaxy Warriors).

Monster eating apower rangers